the collegiate School of Memphis

Summer Reading Lists

This summer, read as many books as you can. Read books you enjoy, and read a lot of them.

From all those books you read, you are asked to choose one or two books (depending on your grade level) to tell your teacher about once class begins. For this assignment, choose books that are driven more by words than by pictures—not graphic novels or manga.

You will not have to write about the texts or answer questions about the texts over the summer; however, you will be evaluated on your knowledge of both books during the first week of school. Be prepared to discuss characters, plot, and key details from each book the first week back!

Below is a list of books that students have loved in the past broken down by grade level. Although there’s a good chance you will enjoy these books, too, you are not required to choose from this list.

If you are unfamiliar with the text, feel free to look up a summary of the book on or


Click one of the buttons below to find your grade’s reading list