Fine Arts
As part of Collegiate’s college-preparatory curriculum, an intentional study of and exposure to fine arts plays an important role for the whole-child development of our scholars. We offer a wide range of fun and challenging courses that are performative and nonperformative in nature to encourage students to pursue their own self-expression and discover their God-given talents.
Collegiate’s music program offers high school scholars the opportunity to explore musical skills while sparking their creative thinking abilities, cultivating their craft, and practicing performance etiquette.
Piano I, II, III, IV
Concert Choir
Creative Songwriting
Contemporary Songwriting and Production
General Music
Music in Culture and History
The Visual Arts program at Collegiate offers all high school students the option to interact with the world around them through art and express themselves through a visual medium at introductory and advanced levels.
Intro to 2D Design
Intro to 3D Design
2D Studio Art
3D Studio Art
Advanced 2D Art
Advanced 3D Art
AP 2D Design Portfolio
Photography II
Woodworking at Collegiate exposes our scholars to a more active, hands-on learning experience while teaching them abstract thinking skills and expressing creativity in a nontraditional way.
Clubs and Organizations
Collegiate offers many extracurricular activities for middle and high school scholars. We encourage our scholars to be participants in activities outside of the classroom to help them explore their interests while building real-world connections and life skills.
After School Choir
Chess Club
CSM Dance
Fitness Fridays
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Gardening Club
Honor Choir
Junior Classical League
Mock Trial
Mu Alpha Theta
National Art Honor Society
National Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
One Verse. Every Book.
Student Ambassadors
Swiftie Club
The Bling Club
The S.E.T.
The Fellas Club
Theatre Department
Yearbook Club
High School Youth in Government
The goal of the Athletics Department is to serve and direct student athletes along a path that combines their educational pursuits and athletic participation
As with all sports teams, the hope for CSM teams is to win games during the sports’ seasons; however, regardless of the win-loss record, CSM scholars are taking away big wins off the field from their experience.
Middle School Girls Soccer | Head Coach: Jenny Barrett
High School Girls Soccer | Head Coach: Sarah Gilmore
Volleyball | Head Coach: Ashley Lowe
Co-Ed Cross Country | Head Coach: Katie Taylor
Cheerleading | Head Coach: Zjenaria Rosario
Middle School Boys Basketball | Head Coach: Jerry Butler
High School Boys Basketball | Head Coach: Roosevelt Evans
Middle School Girls Basketball | Head Coach: Roosevelt Evans
Co-Ed Track & Field | Head Coach: Jerry Butler
Middle School Boys Soccer | Head Coach: Braden Tyler
High School Boys Soccer | Head Coach: Braden Tyler
Student Leadership
In a recent parent survey, 92% of parents agree that “My scholar is learning leadership skills at CSM that will allow them to thrive in the face of challenges.” While leadership is encouraged in organic ways while in the classroom, there are also several opportunities for students to join organizations designed to enhance student leadership.
Student Government Association
Student Ambassador Program
The National Honor Society
The Honor Council
Extracurricular Discipleship Clubs