All scholars have access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity and innovation, facility with the use of ideas and abstractions, promoting service and citizenship, as well as lifelong learning—all consistent with the school’s focus, purpose, mission, vision, goal, objective, and core values.
Scholars are taught the core academic courses of English, math, science, and social studies as well as experiencing Bible, P.E., music, computer science, art, Spanish, and Latin.
Middle school students take English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Foundations every day. On Enrichment Days, middle school students take Art, Music, Bible, PE, and Independent Study.
2024 - 2025 High School Course Catalog
Courses listed in this document are included in yearly offerings as approved by the administration at The Collegiate School of Memphis. Not all courses are available each school year nor every semester.
High school students earn one credit for each full-year course successfully completed and one-half credit for semester (half-year or two-quarter) courses. Middle school students are awarded one high school credit each when successfully completing Algebra I and/or Physical Science in eighth grade. A minimum of 22 credits is required by the state of Tennessee for graduation. While The Collegiate School of Memphis requires 24 credits for graduation, many Collegiate students graduate with 30 credits.
Graduation requirements are:
English...................................................... 4 credits
Math.......................................................... 4 credits
Science..................................................... 3 credits
Social Studies........................................ 3 credits
Foreign Language................................. 2 credits
Fine Arts........................................…....... 1 credit
Personal Finance.............................. 0.5 credits
PE/Wellness.................................…... 1.5 credits
Bible...................................................….... 2 credits
Electives.................................................. 3 credits
Total:.............................…...................... 24 credits
Our Accreditations:
Category III school by the Tennessee Department of Education,
Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)
Tennessee Association of Independent Schools (TAIS)
Memphis Association of Independent Schools (MAIS).